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Running Boards

The running boards were in pretty bad shape.  However the frame work for them and the steel itself was usable.  You could actually stand on them and they were quite firm but the surface was badly pitted and in places on the passenger side there were several small holes dues to rust and decay.
I decided to revive them because it would have been a very involved job to take the old ones out and fabricate new ones in a manner that looked original.


After stripping all the old rubber of the running board I ground off any loose rust and then coated the surface with rust inverter.  Then I filled any pinholes with a thickened West Systems Epoxy.  After that I laid down a couple coats of epoxy and smoothed the surface flat.  


Then I laid down a thick weave of fibreglass cloth and then filled the surface with epoxy several times.


Then I coated the surface multiple times with truck bed liner.


The surface now blends in nicely with the rest of the car and so far stands up nicely.  Oddly the step plate is located right in line with the B pillar so your foot doesn't really land on it if your getting in the front or back seat.  Which is fine since it is a very rare plate so I'd prefer it didn't receive any wear and tear. 
According to pictures that I've seen, it is intended to be in that position.  The holes in the running board are the only holes, so I believe the step plates to be in the correct location

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